Common Sense ~ Common Courtesy ~ Common Knowledge

Common Sense ~ Common Courtesy ~ Common Knowledge
nothing common here

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Attract All You Want, Improve This, Be The Best at That, and Other Life Coaching Credos

Trend: Life Coaching, Laws of Attraction, Lists for Improving all aspects of your life ad nauseaum.
Trend: Depression, mood, and psychological medications at an all time high.
Trend: Causes ~ save the rhinos, save the planet, stop all the ills of society, etc.

The fact that the statistics show, nationally, that child abuse is higher now than it has been in four years makes me want to puke.
Life coaching, advice on how to improve your life and be the best and happiest person ever reflects it's effectiveness in the outrageous sales of psych. meds.
Save the Planet? I don't mean to sound like a downer, but, HELLO!!!!??? The planet is fucked, and we sure haven't helped it's condition.

You can coach all you want, someone with a clinical condition is not going to have a higher quality of life or instantly become happy because your the best life coach according to Coach Your Ass Happy Magazine.

Life is life. It's growth, learning, pain, societal ills that ruin innocent lives randomly, layoffs, depressions, bankruptcy, criminals in positions of authority, activists who are just social butterfly attention whores, and life coaches who sit at home typing up what they're reading in books, fluffing it up with internet gadgets, visuals, and user comments, same shit, differently worded and presented.

These trends have to fizzle out... They're not, they're skyrocketing on Twitter, Facebook, bloggier sites, and all the wanna bees joining in to join all this information together making it even more redundant and clogging up the net with the same crap.

I'm all for health, mental and physical, nutrition, fitness, doing all the great things that make the lives of others and ours better.... If ya don't have a clue as to what these things are, you're hopeless.. Let go of it all, let it go, accept your mediocre pathetic existence and celebrate your old stretched out sweats, and uneventful life.

Think positively as you decide to say fuck it to all this life coaching and uplifting advice. People are dying, suffering, and abusing eachother. The world is overpopulated and nature is taking its course through human nature, Mother nature, and Darwin's theory of the survival of the fittest. This is strongly genetically predisposed, so workout all you can, eat all the vegetables you want, you're still not going to avoid the careening truck headed for your doomed ass.

Haha.. I'm laughing at my cynicism. I'm really not a curmudgeon, a negative downer, or even one who truly believes that we should give up... I just think we should accept things as they are, yeah, maybe work out and eat ok, treat people well.. THAT, I truly believe in ~ KARMA.. And NOT screwing people over. No one talks about that. The Narcissism, the personality disorders that are rampant. People are becoming so self involved and self centered, egotistical, unempathetic, selfish, and flat out nasty. How about being a good person...whether you volunteer, donate, or do work as an activist or not has nothing to do with this. I know activists who are in it to meet the hifalooters, some celebrities, and look like some kind of modern day Mother Theresa..
I know people richer than your richest Trump who sign checks for every charity put infront of them.. I know volunteers who are bored and/or doing so on terms of probation.

Give me a fucking break. People don't give a fuck anymore. That's fine. You don't have to give a fuck, but don't screw people over for your selfish needs.. I could go on, but it's disgusting and these people should be tossed in the oil slick and default lines that are destroying others.
People masquerading as humans, "friends", and decent people who are out to screw you over.
Yes, I've had this happen. And yes, I'm accepting it as THAT"S LIFE.. (NOW).. It wasn't this bad even just 15 years ago. There's no more common courtesy. Just "what can you do for me?" and if the answer is nothing, screw you, you're worthless to me, so I will fuck you over or dispose of you like yesterday's trash.

Focus on what matters. Humanity. Making someone's day better. Making a friend feel like they can count on having a REAL friend who cares. Connect with other people genuinely, with no expectations of anything in return. Bottom line, be decent to people, be appreciative of friends and know the difference between the emotional vampires, users, and scum sucking low lives and the real people, the genuine friends who care about you. If you're a piece of shit too, you'll treat the users and scumbags better. You don't deserve the decent caring friends who are real. You know it, so screw off and stay away from me ... You'll only end up chewed up and spit out. Your loss. I'm the friend who will only be your friend if I can be real and true, otherwise I wouldn't be a friend or in your life.. If you can't rise to my level, I'm going to drop you back down to yours, and you'll learn later that the people you treat well are reflective of how you feel you deserve to be treated, like shit.. Thanks for taking a hike. Thanks for showing what a dirtbag you are. You're going to be sued for that money, and you'll pay in ways you never would have expected, but I'll accept that there are people, non-human whores who steal and fuck over real friends, but get what they deserve and more, as I walk on with certainty and happiness in my heart because I'll be able to move on and be the person I always was and will be, a decent, caring REAL, and Genuine human being with a soul and a heart of gold.

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