Common Sense ~ Common Courtesy ~ Common Knowledge

Common Sense ~ Common Courtesy ~ Common Knowledge
nothing common here

Friday, February 11, 2011

Big Changes ~ No more one way street friendships ~ sad at first, but I've accepted it

I'll elaborate later, but I made my decision. I've worked so hard to stay away from toxic friendships relationships family... I can't expose myself to it anymore. I seem to still have the magnetism an the magnetic force to them, so I'm not ready.
I'm so fine on my own. I meet people of all interests and groups easy. I am in a place where I know soon, that part will fall off to the wayside, and it'll no longer effect my life.
It's a life screwer upper, whether it's wasting years with a low life, loser of a guy who drains the life out of you, or if you use energy to spend time with so called "best friends" who have no idea how not to be a back stabbing shit talker, all false or grossly exaggerated.
I'm looking at people whose lives work, and their as happy as they imagined.
Those are the people I want to surround myself with.
Not the brain dead, self absorbed, narcissist histrionic, gossip, back stabbing insecure sticks, stuck in the same muddy pool they were years ago.


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